➜ Project s init devsapp/start-springboot -d serverlessSpringboot
🚀 Serverless Awesome: https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/package-awesome
✔ file decompression completed
? please select credential alias default
_____ _ ______ _
/ ___| (_) | ___ \ | |
\ `--. _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _| |_/ / ___ ___ | |_
`--. \ '_ \| '__| | '_ \ / _` | ___ \/ _ \ / _ \| __|
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\____/| .__/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, \____/ \___/ \___/ \__|
| | __/ |
|_| |___/
Welcome to the start-springboot application
This application requires to open these services:
FC : https://fc.console.aliyun.com/
ACR: https://cr.console.aliyun.com/
This application can help you quickly deploy the SpringBoot project:
Full yaml configuration : https://github.com/devsapp/sprintboot#%E5%AE%8C%E6%95%B4yaml
SpringBoot development docs: https://spring.io/projects/spring-boot/
This application homepage: https://github.com/devsapp/start-springboot
🏄 Thanks for using Serverless-Devs
👉 You could [cd /Users/dcs/Project/serverlessSpringboot] and enjoy your serverless journey!
🧭️ If you need help for this example, you can use [s -h] after you enter folder.
💞 Document ❤ Star:https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/Serverless-Devs
➜ serverlessSpringboot s deploy
[2021-10-30T21:18:13.963] [INFO ] [S-CLI] - Start ...
📎 Using web framework type: nas, If you want to deploy with container, you can [s cli fc-default set web-framework container] to switch.
[2021-10-30T21:18:14.222] [INFO ] [WEB-FRAMEWORK] - The configuration of the domain name is not detected, and a temporary domain name is generated.
[2021-10-30T21:18:16.653] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using region: cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:16.654] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using access alias: default
[2021-10-30T21:18:16.654] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using accessKeyID: ***********Udxi
[2021-10-30T21:18:16.654] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using accessKeySecret: ***********1BwC
📎 Using fc deploy type: sdk, If you want to deploy with pulumi, you can [s cli fc-default set deploy-type pulumi] to switch.
[2021-10-30T21:18:16.827] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Service web-springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:17.105] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Setting role: AliyunFCDefaultRole
[2021-10-30T21:18:17.152] [INFO ] [RAM] - Checking Role AliyunFCDefaultRole exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:17.447] [INFO ] [RAM] - Updating role: AliyunFCDefaultRole
[2021-10-30T21:18:17.561] [INFO ] [RAM] - Checking Plicy AliyunFCDefaultRolePolicy exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:17.721] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using logConfig: auto: fc will try to generate default sls project
[2021-10-30T21:18:17.892] [INFO ] [SLS] - Checking Project 1831277402525713-cn-hangzhou-logproject exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:18.122] [INFO ] [SLS] - Checking Logstore 1831277402525713-cn-hangzhou-logproject/fc-service-web-springboot-logstore exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:20.170] [INFO ] [SLS] - Checking Logstore index 1831277402525713-cn-hangzhou-logproject/fc-service-web-springboot-logstore exists
📎 Using fc deploy type: sdk, If you want to deploy with pulumi, you can [s cli fc-default set deploy-type pulumi] to switch.
[2021-10-30T21:18:20.233] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Generated logConfig:
enableInstanceMetrics: true
enableRequestMetrics: true
logBeginRule: ~
logstore: fc-service-web-springboot-logstore
project: 1831277402525713-cn-hangzhou-logproject
[2021-10-30T21:18:20.234] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using vpcConfig: auto: fc will try to generate related vpc resources automatically
[2021-10-30T21:18:20.976] [INFO ] [VPC] - Getting vpc: fc-deploy-component-generated-vpc-cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:21.157] [INFO ] [VPC] - Getting vswitch: fc-deploy-component-generated-vswitch-cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:21.272] [INFO ] [VPC] - Getting securityGroup: fc-deploy-component-generated-securityGroup-cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:21.439] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Generated vpcConfig:
securityGroupId: sg-bp16mj0j92jm506ind4g
vSwitchId: vsw-bp12p47aa34uzgsu7wic2
vpcId: vpc-bp1o9ew2j2mkrr8v5l3jz
[2021-10-30T21:18:21.440] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using nasConfig: auto: fc will try to generate related nas file system automatically
[2021-10-30T21:18:22.259] [INFO ] [FC-NAS] - Creating NasFileSystem: Alibaba-FcDeployComponent-DefaultNas-cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:22.566] [INFO ] [FC-NAS] - Creating MountTarget: 0cb1c4b180
[2021-10-30T21:18:25.241] [INFO ] [FC-NAS] - Nas mount target domain already created, waiting for status to be 'Active', now is Pending
[2021-10-30T21:18:27.505] [INFO ] [FC-NAS] - Nas mount target domain already created, waiting for status to be 'Active', now is Pending
[2021-10-30T21:18:29.736] [INFO ] [FC-NAS] - Nas mount target domain already created, waiting for status to be 'Active', now is Pending
[2021-10-30T21:18:31.853] [INFO ] [FC-NAS] - Nas mount target domain already created, waiting for status to be 'Active', now is Active
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.091] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using region: cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.091] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using access alias: default
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.091] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using accessKeyID: ***********Udxi
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.091] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using accessKeySecret: ***********1BwC
📎 Using fc deploy type: sdk, If you want to deploy with pulumi, you can [s cli fc-default set deploy-type pulumi] to switch.
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.106] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Service _FC_NAS_web-springboot-ensure-nas-dir-exist-service exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.178] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Setting role: AliyunFCDefaultRole
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.184] [INFO ] [RAM] - Checking Role AliyunFCDefaultRole exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.367] [INFO ] [RAM] - Updating role: AliyunFCDefaultRole
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.468] [INFO ] [RAM] - Checking Plicy AliyunFCDefaultRolePolicy exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.602] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Function nas_dir_checker exists
✔ Make service _FC_NAS_web-springboot-ensure-nas-dir-exist-service success.
✔ Make function _FC_NAS_web-springboot-ensure-nas-dir-exist-service/nas_dir_checker success.
[2021-10-30T21:18:35.575] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Service _FC_NAS_web-springboot-ensure-nas-dir-exist-service exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:35.660] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Function nas_dir_checker exists
There is auto config in the service: _FC_NAS_web-springboot-ensure-nas-dir-exist-service
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.438] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using region: cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.439] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using access alias: default
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.439] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using accessKeyID: ***********Udxi
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.439] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using accessKeySecret: ***********1BwC
📎 Using fc deploy type: sdk, If you want to deploy with pulumi, you can [s cli fc-default set deploy-type pulumi] to switch.
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.454] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Service _FC_NAS_web-springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.527] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Setting role: AliyunFCDefaultRole
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.533] [INFO ] [RAM] - Checking Role AliyunFCDefaultRole exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.774] [INFO ] [RAM] - Updating role: AliyunFCDefaultRole
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.881] [INFO ] [RAM] - Checking Plicy AliyunFCDefaultRolePolicy exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:44.044] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Function nas_dir_checker exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:44.120] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Trigger httpTrigger exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:44.192] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Trigger httpTrigger exists
✔ Make service _FC_NAS_web-springboot success.
✔ Make function _FC_NAS_web-springboot/nas_dir_checker success.
✔ Make trigger _FC_NAS_web-springboot/nas_dir_checker/httpTrigger success.
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.007] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Service _FC_NAS_web-springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.078] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Function nas_dir_checker exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.206] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Trigger httpTrigger exists
There is auto config in the service: _FC_NAS_web-springboot
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.389] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Generated nasConfig:
groupId: 10003
- fcDir: /mnt/auto
nasDir: /web-springboot
serverAddr: 0cb1c4b180-ulm3.cn-hangzhou.nas.aliyuncs.com
userId: 10003
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.391] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Function springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.504] [WARN ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Image registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/web-framework/java11:0.0.1 dose not exist locally.
Maybe you need to run 's build' first if it dose not exist remotely.
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.506] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Trigger web-springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.576] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Trigger web-springboot exists
✔ Make service web-springboot success.
✔ Make function web-springboot/springboot success.
✔ Make trigger web-springboot/springboot/web-springboot success.
[2021-10-30T21:18:49.288] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Service web-springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:49.359] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Function springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:49.485] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Trigger web-springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:49.669] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using customDomain: auto: fc will try to generate related custom domain resources automatically
✔ devsapp_domain.zip file decompression completed
✔ End of request
✔ Deployed.
✔ End of request
[2021-10-30T21:18:57.618] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Generated auto custom domain: springboot.web-springboot.1831277402525713.cn-hangzhou.fc.devsapp.net
[2021-10-30T21:18:57.619] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Creating custom domain: springboot.web-springboot.1831277402525713.cn-hangzhou.fc.devsapp.net
✔ devsapp_fc-domain.zip file decompression completed
[2021-10-30T21:18:58.878] [INFO ] [FC-DOMAIN] - Creating custom domain: springboot.web-springboot.1831277402525713.cn-hangzhou.fc.devsapp.net
There is auto config in the service: web-springboot
Tips for next step
* Display information of the deployed resource: s info
* Display metrics: s metrics
* Display logs: s logs
* Invoke remote function: s invoke
* Remove Service: s remove service
* Remove Function: s remove function
* Remove Trigger: s remove trigger
* Remove CustomDomain: s remove domain
Reminder nas upload instruction: upload ./code/target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /mnt/auto/springboot/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Tips for next step
* Invoke remote function: s invoke
✔ Upload done
Tips for next step
* Invoke remote function: s invoke
✔ Try container acceleration
region: cn-hangzhou
serviceName: web-springboot
functionName: springboot
- http://springboot.web-springboot.1831277402525713.cn-hangzhou.fc.devsapp.net