Serverless之快速搭建Spring Boot应用

Serverless,也就是无服务器,什么是无服务器,和服务器有什么关系,为什么需要Serverless,怎么使用Serverless,这些问题将是本篇文章得到答案。在本篇文章中会简单介绍Serverless的基础概念和利用Serverless快速搭建Spring Boot应用。

1. 什么是无服务器 (Serverless)

1.1 基础概念


Serverless(无服务器架构)指的是服务端逻辑由开发者实现,运行在无状态的计算容器中,由事件驱动, 服务器完全被第三方管理,而业务层面的状态则记录在数据库或存储资源中。




1.2 优缺点


  1. 冷启动。Serverless 也是在容器中运行应用的。当某个请求传入时,会首先检查是否有正在运行的容器,如果没有正在运行的容器,就会启动一个新的容器去运行应用,这个就是冷启动。既然需要启动新的容器,那么响应的时间就不会那么快。

  2. 切换成本高。由于使用的是云服务商提供的服务,当我们需要更改服务商的时候,成本就会非常高,因为每一家的规范都不相同。

  3. 不灵活。与方便对应的就是不灵活,因为我们所以的运维都交给了提供商,那么我们就不能控制服务器或者优化服务器达到我们的目的。


  1. 提高开发效率,这个在前面已经说过多次,就不再赘述。

  2. 降低运维成本,不需要管理服务器,只需要为运行时间付费即可。

1.3 适用场景


  1. 短暂,无状态的应用,可以接受冷启动的场景。

  2. 不频繁但是可能请求激增的场景。


1.4 Serverless产品

  1. AWS Lanmbda:支持文件处理,流处理,Web应用程序,IoT后端,移动后端。

  2. Cloud Functions:支持与第三方服务及API集成,无服务器移动后端,服务器IoT后端,文件处理,视频和图片分析,情感分析。

  3. 阿里云函数计算:具有丰富的触发器类型,支持多种编程语言,有非常便捷的开发工具进行调试部署,还有丰富的计算类型

  4. 腾讯云 Serverless:拥有简化配置,方便运维,一站式开发等特点,支持基于云函数的命令行开发工具,传统应用框架的快速迁移等场景。

下面我们将使用阿里云的函数计算实际部署Spring Boot应用。

2. 快速搭建Spring Boot应用


2.1 开发流程


  1. 开发者使用编程语言编码代码,目前函数计算支持的编程语言:Java,PHP,Go,Python,Node.js等语言。

  2. 开发者上传代码到函数计算,可以通过函数计算控制台,Funcraft,Serverless Devs,API或SDK等方式上传代码。

  3. 触发函数执行,因为Serverless是事件驱动,所以需要通过HTTP请求,OSS、API网关等方式触发。

2.2 快速部署

在这里我们通过Serverless Devs管理函数。

FC组件和ROS组件都是函数计算团队基于Serverless Devs为您提供的组件,FC组件和ROS组件是用于支持阿里云Serverless应用全生命周期的工具。该组件是Funcraft的进阶版本,和Funcraft的行为描述类似,Funcraft是通过资源配置文件template.yml协助您实现开发、构建、部署等操作的,FC组件和ROS组件则是通过资源配置文件即YAML文件,帮助您快速开发、构建、测试和将应用部署到函数计算。

2.2.1 安装Serverless Devs


npm install @serverless-devs/s -g

执行完成之后,通过命令s -v验证是否安装成功:

~ s -v
@serverless-devs/s: 2.0.92, darwin-x64, node-v12.18.3

2.2.2 配置Serverless Devs

在使用前,我们需要先进行配置,在终端中执行s config add,根据提示输入Account IDAccess Key IdSecret Access KeyaliasName 即可。

~ s config add
? Please select a template: Alibaba Cloud (alibaba)
🧭 Refer to the document for alibaba key:
? AccountID 1831277402*****
? AccessKeyID LTAIkC5X*****
? AccessKeySecret ZMbINFFtAUlWPykcI51U******
? Please create alias for key pair. If not, please enter to skip default

    Alias: default
    AccountID: 1831277402******
    AccessKeyID: LTAIkC5X******
    AccessKeySecret: ZMbINFFtAUlWPykcI51U*******

Configuration successful

2.2.3 创建Spring Boot项目

在目标目录下执行命令s init devsapp/start-springboot -d projectName初始化项目:

➜ Project s init devsapp/start-springboot -d serverlessSpringboot

🚀 Serverless Awesome:

✔ file decompression completed
? please select credential alias default

     _____            _            ______             _
    /  ___|          (_)           | ___ \           | |
    \ `--. _ __  _ __ _ _ __   __ _| |_/ / ___   ___ | |_
     `--. \ '_ \| '__| | '_ \ / _` | ___ \/ _ \ / _ \| __|
    /\__/ / |_) | |  | | | | | (_| | |_/ / (_) | (_) | |_
    \____/| .__/|_|  |_|_| |_|\__, \____/ \___/ \___/ \__|
          | |                  __/ |
          |_|                 |___/

    Welcome to the start-springboot application
     This application requires to open these services:
         FC :
     This application can help you quickly deploy the SpringBoot project:
         Full yaml configuration    :
         SpringBoot development docs:
     This application homepage:

🏄‍ Thanks for using Serverless-Devs
👉 You could [cd /Users/dcs/Project/serverlessSpringboot] and enjoy your serverless journey!
🧭️ If you need help for this example, you can use [s -h] after you enter folder.
💞 Document ❤ Star:

进入项目目录执行s deploy部署项目到函数计算,需要开通NAS,并创建通用型NAS文件系统。


➜ serverlessSpringboot s deploy
[2021-10-30T21:18:13.963] [INFO ] [S-CLI] - Start ...
📎 Using web framework type: nas, If you want to deploy with container, you can [s cli fc-default set web-framework container] to switch.
[2021-10-30T21:18:14.222] [INFO ] [WEB-FRAMEWORK] - The configuration of the domain name is not detected, and a temporary domain name is generated.
[2021-10-30T21:18:16.653] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using region: cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:16.654] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using access alias: default
[2021-10-30T21:18:16.654] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using accessKeyID: ***********Udxi
[2021-10-30T21:18:16.654] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using accessKeySecret: ***********1BwC
📎 Using fc deploy type: sdk, If you want to deploy with pulumi, you can [s cli fc-default set deploy-type pulumi] to switch.
[2021-10-30T21:18:16.827] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Service web-springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:17.105] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Setting role: AliyunFCDefaultRole
[2021-10-30T21:18:17.152] [INFO ] [RAM] - Checking Role AliyunFCDefaultRole exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:17.447] [INFO ] [RAM] - Updating role: AliyunFCDefaultRole
[2021-10-30T21:18:17.561] [INFO ] [RAM] - Checking Plicy AliyunFCDefaultRolePolicy exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:17.721] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using logConfig: auto: fc will try to generate default sls project
[2021-10-30T21:18:17.892] [INFO ] [SLS] - Checking Project 1831277402525713-cn-hangzhou-logproject exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:18.122] [INFO ] [SLS] - Checking Logstore 1831277402525713-cn-hangzhou-logproject/fc-service-web-springboot-logstore exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:20.170] [INFO ] [SLS] - Checking Logstore index 1831277402525713-cn-hangzhou-logproject/fc-service-web-springboot-logstore exists
📎 Using fc deploy type: sdk, If you want to deploy with pulumi, you can [s cli fc-default set deploy-type pulumi] to switch.
[2021-10-30T21:18:20.233] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Generated logConfig:
enableInstanceMetrics: true
enableRequestMetrics: true
logBeginRule: ~
logstore: fc-service-web-springboot-logstore
project: 1831277402525713-cn-hangzhou-logproject

[2021-10-30T21:18:20.234] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using vpcConfig: auto: fc will try to generate related vpc resources automatically
[2021-10-30T21:18:20.976] [INFO ] [VPC] - Getting vpc: fc-deploy-component-generated-vpc-cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:21.157] [INFO ] [VPC] - Getting vswitch: fc-deploy-component-generated-vswitch-cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:21.272] [INFO ] [VPC] - Getting securityGroup: fc-deploy-component-generated-securityGroup-cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:21.439] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Generated vpcConfig:
securityGroupId: sg-bp16mj0j92jm506ind4g
vSwitchId: vsw-bp12p47aa34uzgsu7wic2
vpcId: vpc-bp1o9ew2j2mkrr8v5l3jz

[2021-10-30T21:18:21.440] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using nasConfig: auto: fc will try to generate related nas file system automatically
[2021-10-30T21:18:22.259] [INFO ] [FC-NAS] - Creating NasFileSystem: Alibaba-FcDeployComponent-DefaultNas-cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:22.566] [INFO ] [FC-NAS] - Creating MountTarget: 0cb1c4b180
[2021-10-30T21:18:25.241] [INFO ] [FC-NAS] - Nas mount target domain already created, waiting for status to be 'Active', now is Pending
[2021-10-30T21:18:27.505] [INFO ] [FC-NAS] - Nas mount target domain already created, waiting for status to be 'Active', now is Pending
[2021-10-30T21:18:29.736] [INFO ] [FC-NAS] - Nas mount target domain already created, waiting for status to be 'Active', now is Pending
[2021-10-30T21:18:31.853] [INFO ] [FC-NAS] - Nas mount target domain already created, waiting for status to be 'Active', now is Active
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.091] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using region: cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.091] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using access alias: default
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.091] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using accessKeyID: ***********Udxi
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.091] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using accessKeySecret: ***********1BwC
📎 Using fc deploy type: sdk, If you want to deploy with pulumi, you can [s cli fc-default set deploy-type pulumi] to switch.
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.106] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Service _FC_NAS_web-springboot-ensure-nas-dir-exist-service exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.178] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Setting role: AliyunFCDefaultRole
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.184] [INFO ] [RAM] - Checking Role AliyunFCDefaultRole exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.367] [INFO ] [RAM] - Updating role: AliyunFCDefaultRole
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.468] [INFO ] [RAM] - Checking Plicy AliyunFCDefaultRolePolicy exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:32.602] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Function nas_dir_checker exists
✔ Make service _FC_NAS_web-springboot-ensure-nas-dir-exist-service success.
✔ Make function _FC_NAS_web-springboot-ensure-nas-dir-exist-service/nas_dir_checker success.
[2021-10-30T21:18:35.575] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Service _FC_NAS_web-springboot-ensure-nas-dir-exist-service exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:35.660] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Function nas_dir_checker exists

There is auto config in the service: _FC_NAS_web-springboot-ensure-nas-dir-exist-service
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.438] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using region: cn-hangzhou
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.439] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using access alias: default
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.439] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using accessKeyID: ***********Udxi
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.439] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using accessKeySecret: ***********1BwC
📎 Using fc deploy type: sdk, If you want to deploy with pulumi, you can [s cli fc-default set deploy-type pulumi] to switch.
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.454] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Service _FC_NAS_web-springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.527] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Setting role: AliyunFCDefaultRole
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.533] [INFO ] [RAM] - Checking Role AliyunFCDefaultRole exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.774] [INFO ] [RAM] - Updating role: AliyunFCDefaultRole
[2021-10-30T21:18:43.881] [INFO ] [RAM] - Checking Plicy AliyunFCDefaultRolePolicy exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:44.044] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Function nas_dir_checker exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:44.120] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Trigger httpTrigger exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:44.192] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Trigger httpTrigger exists
✔ Make service _FC_NAS_web-springboot success.
✔ Make function _FC_NAS_web-springboot/nas_dir_checker success.
✔ Make trigger _FC_NAS_web-springboot/nas_dir_checker/httpTrigger success.
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.007] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Service _FC_NAS_web-springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.078] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Function nas_dir_checker exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.206] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Trigger httpTrigger exists

There is auto config in the service: _FC_NAS_web-springboot
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.389] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Generated nasConfig:
groupId: 10003
  - fcDir: /mnt/auto
    nasDir: /web-springboot
userId: 10003

[2021-10-30T21:18:47.391] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Function springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.504] [WARN ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Image dose not exist locally.
Maybe you need to run 's build' first if it dose not exist remotely.
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.506] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Trigger web-springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:47.576] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Trigger web-springboot exists
✔ Make service web-springboot success.
✔ Make function web-springboot/springboot success.
✔ Make trigger web-springboot/springboot/web-springboot success.
[2021-10-30T21:18:49.288] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Service web-springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:49.359] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Function springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:49.485] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Checking Trigger web-springboot exists
[2021-10-30T21:18:49.669] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Using customDomain: auto: fc will try to generate related custom domain resources automatically
✔ file decompression completed
✔ End of request
✔ Deployed.
✔ End of request
[2021-10-30T21:18:57.618] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Generated auto custom domain:
[2021-10-30T21:18:57.619] [INFO ] [FC-DEPLOY] - Creating custom domain:
✔ file decompression completed
[2021-10-30T21:18:58.878] [INFO ] [FC-DOMAIN] - Creating custom domain:

There is auto config in the service: web-springboot

Tips for next step
* Display information of the deployed resource: s info
* Display metrics: s metrics
* Display logs: s logs
* Invoke remote function: s invoke
* Remove Service: s remove service
* Remove Function: s remove function
* Remove Trigger: s remove trigger
* Remove CustomDomain: s remove domain

Reminder nas upload instruction: upload ./code/target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /mnt/auto/springboot/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Tips for next step
* Invoke remote function: s invoke
✔ Upload done

Tips for next step
* Invoke remote function: s invoke
✔ Try container acceleration
  region:        cn-hangzhou
  serviceName:   web-springboot
  functionName:  springboot


2.2.4 自定义域名




3. 总结

本文介绍了Serverless是什么,解决了什么问题以及通过Serverless Devs如何快速在阿里云函数计算平台上部署SpringBoot应用。

