Indicates a configuration class that declares one or more @Bean methods and also triggers auto-configuration and component scanning. This is a convenience annotation that is equivalent to declaring @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration and @ComponentScan.
Provides exclusion TypeFilters that are loaded from the BeanFactory and automatically applied to SpringBootApplication scanning. Can also be used directly with @ComponentScan as follows:
Implementations should provide a subclass registered with BeanFactory and override the match(MetadataReader, MetadataReaderFactory) method. They should also implement a valid hashCode and equals methods so that they can be used as part of Spring test's application context caches. Note that TypeExcludeFilters are initialized very early in the application lifecycle, they should generally not have dependencies on any other beans. They are primarily used internally to support spring-boot-test.
它的 match 方法要判断两个部分:是否是一个配置类,是否是一个自动配置类。其实光从方法名上也就看出来了,下面的方法是其调用实现,里面有一个很关键的机制:SpringFactoriesLoader.loadFactoryNames,我们留到后面再解释。
3. @SpringBootConfiguration
public @interface SpringBootConfiguration
Indicates that a class provides Spring Boot application @Configuration . Can be used as an alternative to the Spring's standard @Configuration annotation so that configuration can be found automatically (for example in tests).
Application should only ever include one@SpringBootConfiguration and most idiomatic Spring Boot applications will inherit it from @SpringBootApplication.
The search algorithm works up from the package that contains the test until it finds a class annotated with @SpringBootApplication or @SpringBootConfiguration. As long as you structured your code in a sensible way, your main configuration is usually found.
public class ColorImportSelector implements ImportSelector {
public String[] selectImports(AnnotationMetadata importingClassMetadata) {
return new String[] {Blue.class.getName(), Green.class.getName()};
public class ColorImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar implements ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar {
public void registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata importingClassMetadata, BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
registry.registerBeanDefinition("black", new RootBeanDefinition(Black.class));
public @interface EnableAutoConfiguration
Enable auto-configuration of the Spring Application Context, attempting to guess and configure beans that you are likely to need. Auto-configuration classes are usually applied based on your classpath and what beans you have defined. For example, if you have tomcat-embedded.jar on your classpath you are likely to want a TomcatServletWebServerFactory (unless you have defined your own ServletWebServerFactory bean).
When using SpringBootApplication, the auto-configuration of the context is automatically enabled and adding this annotation has therefore no additional effect.
Auto-configuration tries to be as intelligent as possible and will back-away as you define more of your own configuration. You can always manually exclude() any configuration that you never want to apply (use excludeName() if you don't have access to them). You can also exclude them via the spring.autoconfigure.exclude property. Auto-configuration is always applied after user-defined beans have been registered.
The package of the class that is annotated with @EnableAutoConfiguration, usually via @SpringBootApplication, has specific significance and is often used as a 'default'. For example, it will be used when scanning for @Entity classes. It is generally recommended that you place @EnableAutoConfiguration (if you're not using @SpringBootApplication) in a root package so that all sub-packages and classes can be searched.
Auto-configuration classes are regular Spring Configuration beans. They are located using the SpringFactoriesLoader mechanism (keyed against this class). Generally auto-configuration beans are @Conditional beans (most often using @ConditionalOnClass and @ConditionalOnMissingBean annotations).
* {@link ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar} to store the base package from the importing
* configuration.
static class Registrar implements ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar, DeterminableImports {
public void registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata metadata, BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
register(registry, new PackageImport(metadata).getPackageName());
public Set<Object> determineImports(AnnotationMetadata metadata) {
return Collections.singleton(new PackageImport(metadata));
ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar to store the base package from the importing configuration.
static final class BasePackages {
private final List<String> packages;
BasePackages(String... names) {
List<String> packages = new ArrayList<>();
for (String name : names) {
if (StringUtils.hasText(name)) {
this.packages = packages;
public class AutoConfigurationImportSelector implements DeferredImportSelector, BeanClassLoaderAware,
ResourceLoaderAware, BeanFactoryAware, EnvironmentAware, Ordered
DeferredImportSelector to handle auto-configuration. This class can also be subclassed if a custom variant of @EnableAutoConfiguration is needed.
public interface DeferredImportSelector extends ImportSelector
它是 ImportSelector 的子接口,它的文档注释原文和翻译:
A variation of ImportSelector that runs after all @Configuration beans have been processed. This type of selector can be particularly useful when the selected imports are @Conditional . Implementations can also extend the org.springframework.core.Ordered interface or use the org.springframework.core.annotation.Order annotation to indicate a precedence against other DeferredImportSelectors . Implementations may also provide an import group which can provide additional sorting and filtering logic across different selectors.
protected Class<?> getSpringFactoriesLoaderFactoryClass() {
return EnableAutoConfiguration.class;
protected List<String> getCandidateConfigurations(AnnotationMetadata metadata, AnnotationAttributes attributes) {
// SPI机制加载自动配置类
List<String> configurations = SpringFactoriesLoader.loadFactoryNames(getSpringFactoriesLoaderFactoryClass(),
Assert.notEmpty(configurations, "No auto configuration classes found in META-INF/spring.factories. If you "
+ "are using a custom packaging, make sure that file is correct.");
return configurations;
General purpose factory loading mechanism for internal use within the framework. SpringFactoriesLoader loads and instantiates factories of a given type from "META-INF/spring.factories" files which may be present in multiple JAR files in the classpath. The spring.factories file must be in Properties format, where the key is the fully qualified name of the interface or abstract class, and the value is a comma-separated list of implementation class names. For example: example.MyService=example.MyServiceImpl1,example.MyServiceImpl2 where example.MyService is the name of the interface, and MyServiceImpl1 and MyServiceImpl2 are two implementations.
public class SpiDemoInterfaceImpl implements SpiDemoInterface {
public void test() {
System.out.println("SpiDemoInterfaceImpl#test() run...");
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ServiceLoader<SpiDemoInterface> loaders = ServiceLoader.load(SpiDemoInterface.class);
* Load the fully qualified class names of factory implementations of the
* given type from {@value #FACTORIES_RESOURCE_LOCATION}, using the given
* class loader.
* @param factoryClass the interface or abstract class representing the factory
* @param classLoader the ClassLoader to use for loading resources; can be
* {@code null} to use the default
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an error occurs while loading factory names
* @see #loadFactories
public static List<String> loadFactoryNames(Class<?> factoryClass, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) {
String factoryClassName = factoryClass.getName();
return loadSpringFactories(classLoader).getOrDefault(factoryClassName, Collections.emptyList());
Load the fully qualified class names of factory implementations of the given type from "META-INF/spring.factories", using the given class loader.
package org.springframework.util;
* Extension of the {@code Map} interface that stores multiple values.
* @since 3.0
* @param <K> the key type
* @param <V> the value element type
public interface MultiValueMap<K, V> extends Map<K, List<V>>
发现它实际上就是一个 Map<K, List<V>>。
那第一次从cache中肯定获取不到值,故下面的if结构肯定不进入,进入下面的try块。 加载spring.factories
Enumeration<URL> urls = (classLoader != null ?
classLoader.getResources(FACTORIES_RESOURCE_LOCATION) :
result = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();